Wowie! Six months has passed and while I hadn't quite forgotten about this blog hanging out here in cyberspace, it's obviously been low on my list of things-to-do.
What has been at the top of said to-do list:
Dear Daughter - so many changes. She's 16 months old now. Talking, walking, running, eating every fruity thing in sight - leaving her father and I to wonder if she isn't somehow part monkey or other arboreal creature.
Graduate School - the applying to and eventually being accepted. I can now gladly report that I will begin graduate school in the fall in hopes of becoming your friendly neighborhood librarian.
Growing People - there's another one on the way. Due around the beginning of next year. That has taken a lot out of me lately. Well, it likely has a little to do with chasing around an energetic toddler as well.
Not to mention: gardening (and what a great garden it is - more on that later), cooking (trying - sometimes failing miserably- new things), loving the chickens, natural harvest of wild berries that are starting to come in, lots of swimming, yoga, and scrambling for quiet moments to myself... I think I'll go grab one now.